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  • articles

    • Dog Breeds
      Dog buyers normally have a concrete idea of what dog breed to buy. Yet it must be understood that no single dog can fill all our expectations. They may either perform at a level we so desire but we have no assurance that the pet we buy

    • Dog Breeders
      We have constantly sought ways of making life more convenient for us. We have discovered different technologies that would have flabbergasted men of yesterday.

    • Dog Breeding
      Roughly around a female dog's 7th or 8th month from birth she will become ready for her first "heating cycle". But it is most desirable for one dog to become fully matured before you perform breeding.

    • Importance of Dog Training
      Dog training is an important aspect of owning and raising a dog. However many people do not fully understand the importance of dog training. It is not meant to turn your dog into some kind of robot who follows commands accurately and mindlessly. It is also not aimed to make your puppy into a show dog that can do tricks to amuse your friends.

    • Pictures of the Dogs
      If you are a dog lover you are also probably fond of taking their pictures. And most likely, you have a collection of these pictures stored and stashed away in a dozen photo albums. But after gathering those pictures and inserting those in the albums, where are they now? Locked in your drawer?

    • Westminster Dog Show
      A dog show may not be new to you at all. You may have seen various breeds of dogs that are trained so they can be taken to some dog shows in your locale. Dogs are tricky. Sometimes you will just see the dogs performing their own tricks.